
Technosoft Music Collection - HERZOG & HERZOG ZWEI - (ヘルツォーク&ヘルツォーク ツヴァイ)

¥ 3,520 税込




【初CD化】PC-8801mkIISR/X1版『ヘルツォーク』/【初CD化】メガドライブ版『ヘルツォーク ツヴァイ』〜Special Bonus Trackでは 高西圭氏 による Super Arr Ver. がエンドロールを飾る!〜

収録曲は、伝説の人気ソフトメーカー「テクノソフト」が生み出したリアルタイムストラテジー『ヘルツォーク(HERZOG)』(1988)から38トラック(※PC-8801mkIISR:13トラック/X1-PSG Ver.-:12トラック/X1-FM Ver.-:13トラック)、メガドライブ版『ヘルツォーク ツヴァイ(HERZOG ZWEI)』(1989)から18トラックを、それぞれ各PC、メガドライブ実機より新規収録。

Special Bonus Trackには、M2のサウンドクリエイターJane Nisperos (chibi-tech)氏による『SEGA AGES ヘルツォーク ツヴァイ』の新曲や、MSX2版『ヘルツォーク』から1曲などを収録! さらに、本作のトリには、お馴染みの名アレンジャー高西圭氏による「Herzog Series -Super Arr Ver.-」が本アルバムのエンドロールを重厚且つドラマチックに飾ります。


ファン待望の2020年版 “最新レコーディング”で蘇る ≪Technosoft Music≫ をご堪能下さい!

本作はGame Sound Fanを衝撃に誘うブランド“SOUND! SHOCK SERIES”からお届け致します。

All Music Composed by Technosoft
01. Originate the strategy by yourself [Prologue]
02. A streak of lighting through the time [Title]
03. The previous war [Briefing]
04. Back to square one [Stage 1 MERCIES]
05. Sleight of hand [Stage 2 SYUTAIN]
06. Take it easy [Stage 3 LEPSON]
07. Sniper [Stage 4 POTOS]
08. The fighter called ‘EMERGENCY’ to base [Final Stage Briefing]
09. The super fighter invigorated us [Stage 5 RUTH]
10. The dawn of a new age [Ending]
11. Funeral march for the METAL KNIGHTS [Defeat]
12. A victorious bell is ringing -MARCIES- [Victory MERCIES]
13. A victorious bell is ringing -RUTH- [Victory RUTH]
【X1 -PSG Ver.-】
14. Originate the strategy by yourself [Prologue]
15. A streak of lighting through the time [Title]
16. The previous war [Briefing]
17. Back to square one [Stage 1 MERCIES]
18. Sleight of hand [Stage 2 SYUTAIN]
19. Take it easy [Stage 3 LEPSON]
20. Sniper [Stage 4 POTOS]
21. The fighter called ‘EMERGENCY’ to base [Final Stage Briefing]
22. The super fighter invigorated us [Stage 5 RUTH]
23. The dawn of a new age [Ending]
24. Funeral march for the METAL KNIGHTS [Defeat]
25. A victorious bell is ringing [Victory]
【X1 -FM Ver.-】
26. Originate the strategy by yourself [Prologue]
27. A streak of lighting through the time [Title]
28. The previous war [Briefing]
29. Back to square one [Stage 1 MERCIES]
30. Sleight of hand [Stage 2 SYUTAIN]
31. Take it easy [Stage 3 LEPSON]
32. Sniper [Stage 4 POTOS]
33. The fighter called 'EMERGENCY' to base [Final Stage Briefing]
34. The super fighter invigorated us [Stage 5 RUTH]
35. The dawn of a new age [Ending]
36. Funeral march for the METAL KNIGHTS [Defeat]
37. A victorious bell is ringing -MERCIES- [Victory MERCIES]
38. A victorious bell is ringing -RUTH- [Victory RUTH]
Music Composed by Technosoft [M01]〜[M18][M20]〜[M22]
Music Composed by Jane Nisperos (chibi-tech) [M19]
Arranged by Kei Takanishi [M22]
【Mega Drive】
01. Jagd flieger [Title]
02. The previous war [Configration Mode]
03. The fighter called ‘EMERGENCY’ to base [Stage Select]
04. There is no time to lose [ABGRUND]
05. Take it easy [VULKAN]
06. Sleight of hand [LOCH]
07. A breach of contract [STRAND]
08. Back to square one [STADT]
09. The mournful war [EISFREI]
10. Sniper [WALDUNG]
11. The super fighter invigorated us [OASE]
12. The dawn of a new age [Victory]
13. Funeral march for the METAL KNIGHTS [Defeat]
14. A victorious bell is ringing -BRASS- [Winner 1]
15. A victorious bell is ringing -BELL- [Winner 2]
16. Be his soul rest in peace [Red Side Ending]
17. A full retreat [Blue Side Ending]
18. Go with the stream [Staff Credits]
■SOUND! SHOCK Special Bonus Track
19. Briefing of the ranks -“SEGA AGES Herzog zwei” Herzog Academy-
20. It was concurrent with the accident -HERZOG [MSX2] Stage 6 MELD (SEA SIDE)-
21. A breach of contract -1991 MD Omake Other Ver.-
22. Herzog Series -Super Arr Ver.-
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