Technosoft Music Collection - THUNDER FORCE I & II
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【初CD化】『サンダーフォース』/【初CD化】『サンダーフォースⅡ』/『サンダーフォースⅡMD』~Special Bonus Trackでは 高西圭氏 による Super Arr Ver. でレトロフューチャーな音の旅へ!~
今も多くのファンを魅了し続けているそれぞれのBGMをCD2枚組で余すことなく、各PC、メガドライブ実機より新規デジタル録音!(※Disc-I [M01]のみアナログ録音)
そして本アルバムのハイライトとも言うべき【Disc-II [M23]】のSpecial Bonus Trackは、お馴染みの名アレンジャー高西圭氏による「Thunder Force II -Super Arr Ver.-」を収録!! きっと聴く者を“過去と現代”とが交差するレトロフューチャーな音の旅へと誘うことでしょう…。
ファン待望の2022年版 “最新レコーディング” で蘇る ≪Technosoft Music≫ をご堪能下さい!
本作はGame Sound Fanを衝撃に誘うブランド“SOUND! SHOCK SERIES”からお届けします。
Voice & Music Composed by Technosoft [M01,03,04,06,07]
Music Composed by Gioachino Antonio Rossini [M02,05]
01. Thunder Force! (-Voice-)【X1】
02. Main Theme ~Guillaume Tell Overture~【PC-8801mkIISR】
03. Boss Theme【PC-8801mkIISR】
04. Stage Clear【PC-8801mkIISR】
05. Game Over ~Guillaume Tell Overture~【PC-8801mkIISR】
06. Name Entry -Ranking 1st-【PC-8801mkIISR】
07. Name Entry -Ranking 2nd or lower-【PC-8801mkIISR】
All Sound & Music Composed by Technosoft
08. Tan Tan Ta Ta Ta Tan (Loading)
09. Attention (-Voice-)
10. The Wind Blew All Day Long -With Voice- (Opening)
11. Super Version Tan Tan -With Voice- (Configuration)
12. Knights of Legend (Stage 1: The Planet Nepula)
13. Mission 2 (Top View Clear)
14. A Ray of Hope (Side View Slow Speed Stage)
15. Warning (-SE-)
16. Big na Okata 1 (Stage 1 Boss)
17. Stage Clear -With Voice-
18. Exceed (Stage 2: The Underground City)
19. Cruise Control (Side View High Speed Stage)
20. Big na Okata 2 (Stage 2 Boss)
21. A Cloud of Dust (Stage 3: Wasteland)
22. Big na Okata 3 (Stage 3 Boss)
23. Take Strict Precautions (Stage 4: Deeper Inside The Planet)
24. Big na Okata 4 -With Death Agony Voice- (Stage 4 Boss)
25. Illusion (Stage 5: Ancient Ruins)
26. Humanoid Hunter (-Voice-)
27. Big na Okata 5 (Stage 5 Boss)
28. An Irrevocable Dream (Stage 6: The Ultra Combat Weapon Fortress Preareos)
29. Big na Okata 6 (Stage 6 Boss)
30. Finale (-SE & Voice-)
31. Take off One's Gloves (Ending)
32. Orn Emperor (-Voice-)
33. Game Over
All Sound & Music Composed by Technosoft
Arranged by Kei Takanishi [M23]
01. The Wind Blew All Day Long (Opening)
02. Super Version Tan Tan -With Voice- (Game Start)
03. Knights of Legend (Stage 1: The Planet Nepula - The Skies Over Head)
04. Mission 2 (Top View Clear)
05. A Ray of Hope (Stage 2: The Planet Nepula - Inside of an Enemy Port)
06. Big na Okata 1 (1st Layer Boss)
07. Stage Clear
08. Exceed (Stage 3: The Underground City - Skyscraper)
09. Cruise Control (Stage 4: The Underground City - Highway)
10. Big na Okata 2 (2nd Layer Boss)
11. Take Strict Precautions (Stage 5: Deeper Inside The Planet - A Cave)
12. A Cloud of Dust (Stage 6: Deeper Inside The Planet - Inside an Abandoned Pipe)
13. Big na Okata 3 (3rd Layer Boss)
14. Game Over
15. Continue -Big na Okata 4-
16. Illusion (Stage 7: Ancient Ruins - Statues)
17. Dark Side Requiem -Death Face's- (Stage 8: Ancient Ruins - Inside the Ruins)
18. Big na Okata 5 (4th Layer Boss)
19. An Irrevocable Dream(Stage 9: The Ultra Combat Weapon Fortress Preareos - The Final Confrontation)
20. Big na Okata 6 (5th Layer Boss)
21. Take Off One's Gloves (Ending)
■SOUND! SHOCK Special Bonus Track
22. Knights of Legend -1991 MD Omake Other Ver.-
23. Thunder Force II -Super Arr Ver.-
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