[Reservation deadline]”Cotton X 68000 Edition” Notice of sold out and the second order production start

Announcement -The first round of “Cotton X 68000 Edition” has been officially sold out and we are now taking reservations of the next round of preorders as of today. We thank all of you for your continued support.

We thought we had enough to meet demands, but we were completely wrong. We are blown away by the overwhelming demand and we can’t thank everybody enough for making this possible. We are speechless by the support we have received from so many people. However, we are painfully aware that there were cases of some orders not being able to be processed due to our server error, so we deeply apologize to those that weren’t able to acquire one due to this technical difficulty. This was a grievous error on our part for both the server malfunction and our company not adequately stocking enough to meet all demands, and we hope those that we weren’t able to fulfill their order would accept this apology from all of us and we hope to be able to reward your patience as soon as possible.

Our goal and wish is to be able to meet the demands for all the amazing retro gaming fans out there with our “Cotton X68000 Edition” After having an in house meeting between our executives we have all agreed to move faster to meet demands, hence now we are taking round two of the reservations so we hope that those without will be able to get their orders in sooner than later.

[Pre Order period] July 24-September 1
[Shipping Schedule] Starts from September 17th
[Sales price] 500 + 13,300 yen + tax

Also, we are expecting a slight delay on the shipping of the first round, but we are doing everything within our power to make sure everything goes out as soon as possible. As for round two of the preorder, to be able to meet demand and production on time we regretfully and selfishly will be asking your understanding that we must raise the price by 500 yen so we can deliver to you as soon as possible.
Once again, we can’t stress enough how sorry we are to everyone affected by our server error, we are currently putting a priority on fixing everything in a timely manner, so this does not happen again. For the time being we have appointed a mirror site as well as a mail-based order form as precaution for round #2.
In addition to the above measures, we will make sure to produce enough for everyone who will be doing so in the future,. If you can still order through BEEP, please do so as we hope everything will go smoother this time around. You can enter the product page and mail-based form from the various banners below. We as a team thank you so much for your patience and understanding, and we assure everybody that we are doing everything we can to meet all demands and to be able to get your order of Cotton to you as soon as possible.












